The Long Tail, by Chris Anderson

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This video was conducted in order to critically analyse 'The Long Tail' (Wired) by Chris Anderson, 2006. It discusses the key points of the reading and the primary debates within. This is for the Social Media module for Winchester University.

38 Videos (and 50 Articles) for this topic


Long Tail

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A discussion defining the nature of the Long Tail.

Anderson, C "The Long Tail" Wired, October 2004

This video was uploaded as part of an assignment for MS2911 module, at University of Winchester

36 Videos (and 52 Articles) for this topic

Partnerships 2010: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More

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Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief, WIRED MAGAZINE and Bestselling Author, The Long Tail: The Future of Business is Selling Less of More and Free: The Future of a Radical Price

12 Videos (and 32 Articles) for this topic


What is the Long Tail?

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Anderson, C, “The Long Tail,” Wired, October 2004.

Anderson, C, ''The Long Tail, in a nutshell'', Longtail, May 2015.

Wu, T. (2006) ''The Wrong Tail How to turn a powerful idea into a dubious theory of everything,'' Slate, May 2015.

Clapperton, G. 'The Long Tail of Social Media', Useful Social Media, May 2015

Ewen, Neil (2015) The Long Tail. Winchester University, 24th February.

9 Videos (and 26 Articles) for this topic

Check also :

Wired's Chris Anderson Presents The Long Tail in Second Life

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On October 13th, 2006, Chris Anderson spoke about his book "The Long Tail" at the New Globe Theatre in Second Life. He was interviewed by Hamlet Au.

The event was produced and sponsored by Millions of Us -- htpp://

9 Videos (and 24 Articles) for this topic


Identifying "The Long Tail" - Chris Anderson free website seo outsourcing jobs outsourcing via

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Identifying "The Long Tail" - Chris Anderson free website seo outsourcing jobs outsourcing via Yooker video internet, long, tail, marketing, inventory, stock, web, 2.0, online, chart, graphic, Amazon, Rhapsody, powerlaw, movie, fora, tv,, foratv

8 Videos (and 31 Articles) for this topic

Video 3 - The Long Tail

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Anderson, C. (2004) The Long Tail. Available at: (Accessed 14 April 2016).

8 Videos (and 29 Articles) for this topic


Communication Weekly - Episode 10 - The Long Tail

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Have you heared of the Long Tail before? It's the concept that explains why firms such as amazon, itunes and other online retailers have so much financial success. The Theory is based on the book "the Longer Long Tail" by Chris Anderson.

4 Videos (and 25 Articles) for this topic

Chris Anderson, "The Long Tail" - Haas School

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Chris Anderson, Editor in Chief of Wired Magazine, first coined the term "long tail" in October 2004 to describe the shift "away from a focus on a relatively small number of 'hits' (mainstream products and markets) at the head of the demand curve toward a huge number of niches in the tail." He spoke at the Haas School, UC Berkeley.(November 17, 2006)

The University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business is one of the world's leading producers of new ideas and knowledge in all areas...

1 Videos (and 16 Articles) for this topic

Check also :


Chris Anderson | Talks at Google

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Author Chris Anderson visits Google to discuss his book, "The Long Tail" This event took place on July 18, 2006, as part of the Authors@Google series.

3 Videos (and 18 Articles) for this topic

The Long Tail | Books for Mastery

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Why is the future of business to sell Less of More? Check out my review of the book The Long Tail by Chris Anderson, and let's discuss what effects this will have on the future of business, choice and culture.

PS. I apologise for messing up the focus of the video. I will not trust auto-focus so easily again :)

The Long Tail

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1 Videos (and 23 Articles) for this topic


C Anderson Long Tail prt1

Chris Anderson's discussion of the Long-Tail from ForaTV

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From: Dale Thompson

Related topics : long tail chris anderson

How To Do Long Tail Niche Marketing: News Agent Retail Case Study

Chris Anderson coined the phrase the long tail, but what is it exactly?

This real-life case study of "Michael the news agent" is a prime example of how it can be leveraged in a retail environment, producing a 2,200% increase in sales in less than 30 days.

To leverage the long tail on the Internet, go to:

to get explosive results for your business, go...

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From: BusinessMastery

Related topics : long tail niche marketing / long tail business examples / long tail blog / anderson the long tail

What is the Long Tail?

Anderson, C, “The Long Tail,” Wired, October 2004.

Anderson, C, ''The Long Tail, in a nutshell'', Longtail, May 2015.

Wu, T. (2006) ''The Wrong Tail How to turn a powerful idea into a dubious theory of everything,'' Slate, May 2015.

Clapperton, G. 'The Long Tail of Social Media', Useful Social Media, May 2015

Ewen, Neil (2015) The Long Tail. Winchester University, 24th February.

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From: Lucy Booth

Related topics : anderson c. (2006). the long tail / long tail social media

The Long Tail Natra R

Anderson, C, ''The Long Tail,'' Wired, October 2004.

Educational Purposes

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From: Natra Ramsamy

Related topics : anderson the long tail wired

Long Tail

A discussion defining the nature of the Long Tail.

Anderson, C "The Long Tail" Wired, October 2004

This video was uploaded as part of an assignment for MS2911 module, at University of Winchester

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From: Reena Patel

Related topics : anderson the long tail wired / long tail module

Video 3 - The Long Tail


Anderson, C. (2004) The Long Tail. Available at: (Accessed 14 April 2016).

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From: Rachel Arnott

Related topics : anderson 2004 the long tail

Long Tail Blues

You are now experiencing the long tail in effect.

Long Tail Blues is a project aimed to make a commentary on the Long Tail market that has been created by technology, in both art and business. It was inspired by the reading "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson.

I created the project using Soundbooth, Final Cut Pro and After Effects, in attempt to display democratization of production, democratization of distribution, and the connect of supply and demand.

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From: Andrew Brofft

Related topics : long tail blue / anderson the long tail / long tail pro / long tail products

Identifying "The Long Tail" - Chris Anderson free website seo outsourcing jobs outsourcing via

Identifying "The Long Tail" - Chris Anderson free website seo outsourcing jobs outsourcing via Yooker video internet, long, tail, marketing, inventory, stock, web, 2.0, online, chart, graphic, Amazon, Rhapsody, powerlaw, movie, fora, tv,, foratv

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From: exoticspeck59U8

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Long Tail Anderson 2004 Critique

Analysis and Critique of Anderson's 2004 article about the Long Tail Business Model.

Assignment for University of Winchester Media Studies course Social media module.

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From: Samantha Urban

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Long Tail 4 Chris Anderson MoreAdWords

Long Tail for Chris Anderson

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From: Alberto Castro

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