The Long Tail | Books for Mastery

Why is the future of business to sell Less of More? Check out my review of the book The Long Tail by Chris Anderson, and let's discuss what effects this will have on the future of business, choice and culture.

PS. I apologise for messing up the focus of the video. I will not trust auto-focus so easily again :)

The Long Tail

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From: Christopher Okhravi

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The four thesholds in a technology's lifecycle.

In this video I talk about Chris Anderson's video "Technology's Long Tail" and how that applies to Education.

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From: Adriaan van der Bergh

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Chris Anderson - Introducing The Long Tail - CWF08 - 06

Given a large enough availability of choice, a large population of customers, and negligible stocking and distribution costs, the selection and buying pattern of the population results in a power law distribution curve, or Pareto distribution. This suggests that a market with a high freedom of choice will create a certain degree of inequality by favoring the upper 20% of the items ("hits" or "head") against the other 80% ("non-hits" or "long...

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From: toemaz

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MC: Disruption: Chris Anderson - Author of The Long Tail, Free, and Makers

Master Class Series, MC10051, Speaker: Chris Anderson, CEO 3DRobotics, one of the world's leading drone companies, and Editor-in-Chief of Wired from 2001 to 2012 highlights the motivation behind and major points of his highly acclaimed books The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, Free: The Future of a Radical Price, and Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, including his assertion that he doesn't know a single successful entrepreneur that is motivated by money but...

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From: e-channel

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Web Industry Overview from Bob Sokol

Listen to Bob Sokol, Chief Technologist for Sun's Web Industry Practice at Sun. Topics include web 2.0 as a services platform, Anderson's "Long Tail" theory, and the new Internet speed.

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From: seeleyv

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Long Tail - Internet Marketing Concept | This video shows the Long Tail concept postulated by Chris Anderson whereby it allows new rock bands or small/new business startups to dominate their niche, and is a famous concept in the ranks of Blue Ocean Strategy.

If you wanna learn more about Facebook Marketing or Social Media Marketing Advanced Strategies or Web 2.0 Advanced Marketing Strategies, you can check out my Facebook Marketing Strategy Ebook on "How I Used ONE Method in Facebook to Build Unlimited...

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From: jevincechannel

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Chris Anderson of Wired Magazine & The Long Tail on Free: Every business has to compete with it

Wired's Chris Anderson explains why the zero-cost business model will eventually impact every industry. IdeasProject: Hear more great ideas a

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