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2 selected videos

Long-tailed Weasels at Point Reyes

The video shows a group of young weasels as they play at the entrance to a mountain beaver burrow. Long-tailed weasels are uncommon residents of the coastal scrub community at Point Reyes National Seashore. They feed primarily on rodents. Weasels are only one of many species of wildlife that utilize the burrows dug by mountain beavers. Others include spotted skunks, mice, and rabbits.

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Mountain Lion - Bobcat (LIVE Cam)

Mountain Lion Mountain lions are only rarely seen at Point Reyes National Seashore, but they are resident within the park year round. No one actually knows how many lions inhabit the 71,000 acre park, but based on home range estimates made elsewhere, it is likely that 4-8 lions live the area.

Bobcats are common in the Point Reyes area and large individuals are sometimes confused with lions. If you see what you think might be a mountain lion, look for a long tail that could easily touch the...

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