Long Tail - Internet Marketing Concept

http://www.jevince.com | This video shows the Long Tail concept postulated by Chris Anderson whereby it allows new rock bands or small/new business startups to dominate their niche, and is a famous concept in the ranks of Blue Ocean Strategy.

If you wanna learn more about Facebook Marketing or Social Media Marketing Advanced Strategies or Web 2.0 Advanced Marketing Strategies, you can check out my Facebook Marketing Strategy Ebook on "How I Used ONE Method in Facebook to Build Unlimited...

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From: jevincechannel

Related topics : long tail concept chris anderson / long tail video / anderson the long tail

How long should keyword phrase be?

How long should keyword phrase be?

Don’t be afraid of long keywords. The longer the keyword is, the easier it is for Google to match search query to web page and the easier it is to search engine optimize. The reason for this is the-long-tail-concept and how it relates to Internet searches. A short-tail search would be apple-computer. A long-tail search would be used-iMac-computer-for-sale-in-Saigon. The web pages that Google serves up for the short-tail search will contain general content...

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