Long-tailed salamander | Smithsonian's National Zoo


Physical Description

Long-tailed salamanders are often yellow, but can range in color to red, orange and brown and have irregular dots and dashes�along their bodies and tails. They have large eyes, slender bodies and stout limbs.


Long-tailed salamanders range in length from 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters) long, with 60 percent of that length being their tails.

Native Habitat

Long-tailed salamanders range from southern New York, south to northern Alabama and west to Missouri. They can be found in creek beds, caves,...

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Date: 2017-04-03 10:36:29
Website: https://nationalzoo.si.edu

Related topics : long tailed salamander range / long tailed salamander habitat / long tail salamander / long tail

Longtail Salamander, Eurycea longicauda

Longtail Salamander (from the AR MI Atlas )

An adult Longtail Salamander ( click for larger image).

Description: One of Ohio's longest salamanders, the tail of this aptly named animal comprises 60-65% of its total length (up to 9"). The ground color is usually some shade of yellow or orange, but may be brownish in some individuals. Unlike the closely related Cave Salamander, the black spots on the Long-tailed Salamander are usually arranged into weak rows and form bars on either side of the distal portion of the tail.

Distribution in Ohio: Southwestern...

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Date: 2010-01-23 22:00:05
Website: http://www.ohioamphibians.com

Related topics : long tailed salamander ohio / long tailed salamander habitat / long tail salamander / long tail animals name / long tail animals list

Eurycea longicauda - Wikipedia


Salamandra longicauda Green, 1818

Eurycea longicauda -- known as the long-tailed salamander [1] or longtail salamander [2] -- is a species of lungless salamander native to the Appalachian Region of the eastern United States . It is a " cave salamander " that frequents twilight zones of caves and also inhabits springs and surrounding forest. Body color varies from yellow to orange-red to red with random black spots. [2]

The dark-sided...

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Date: 2017-03-20 10:36:40
Website: https://en.wikipedia.org

Related topics : long tailed salamander wikipedia / long tail salamander

DNR - Blue-spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale)

Non-DNR Links

Life History

Most people would not consider hanging out under rotting wood feeding on a diet of spiders, centipedes, slugs and earthworms as their ideal lifestyle. The blue-spotted salamander believes it's just grand. This salamander found throughout Michigan is common in moist deciduous hardwood areas and swamp woodlands, preferably with access to vernal ponds. However, they often...

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Website: http://www.michigan.gov

Related topics : long tailed salamander habitat / long tailed salamander adaptations / long tailed salamander diet / long tail salamander diet / long tail salamander

Tiger Salamanders, Tiger Salamander Pictures, Tiger ...

During courtship, a male tiger salamander sometimes impersonates a female in order to sneak in and deposit his spermatophore on top of a rival male's.


Size relative to a tea cup

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Tiger salamanders' markings are variable throughout their extensive range, but the most common marking resembles the vertically striped pattern of their mammalian namesake.

They are usually brown in color with brilliant yellow stripes or blotches over the length of their bodies. Their base color, however, can also be greenish or gray and their...

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Website: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com

Related topics : long tailed salamander range / long tail salamander / long tail short tail distribution / long tail short / long tail short tail