Mane | definition of mane by Medical dictionary

Mane | definition of mane by Medical dictionary



The long hair along the top and sides of the neck of certain mammals, such as a horse or a male lion.




the region of long coarse hair at the dorsal border of the neck and terminating at the poll in the forelock. Present in the horse and other Equidae. Similar gatherings of...

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The Norwegian Fjord Horse - horse genetics

The Norwegian Fjord Horse

The Norwegian Fjord Horse has probably been bred in geographic isolation for four thousand years or more, when it first migrated to Norway and was domesticated. Archaeological excavations of Viking burial sites demonstrate that Fjord Horses have been selectively bred for at least 2,000 years, when it they were used by the Vikings as war horses. It horse is now one of the...

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Grooming a horse - Horsewellness Store

Step 3 - Brushing the Horse's Coat:

Step 3 Video:

After you thoroughly curried and 'flicked', you are now ready to brush off the dirt and debris you lifted to the surface with a good-quality horse finishing brush . A real horse grooming brush is a natural bristle brush with just the right bristle density to lift and remove dirt and dander from the coat. These brushes are usually made of horse...

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