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How to check for normal distribution using Excel for ...

You have the right idea. This can be done systematically, comprehensively, and with relatively simple calculations. A graph of the results is called a normal probability plot (or sometimes a P-P plot). From it you can see much more detail than appears in other graphical representations, especially histograms , and with a little practice you can even learn to determine ways to re-express your...

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Why do we use a one-tailed test F-test in analysis of ...



@TaylerJones Levene's test is somewhat more robust. Browne-Forsythe is more robust (but loses a little power near the normal). Fligner-Killeen more so again. In several decades, I've used Levene or Browne-Forsythe no more than twice each. (If it came up again, likely something like Browne-Forsythe would suit me fine but I don't generally have situations where it makes any sense to test...

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