Rank: 216 / 357
2 selected articles
WP RSS Aggregator — WordPress Plugins
Added integration with Diagnostics plugin, and tests.
Logs are now created in wp-content/log/wprss, and are named more descriptively.
4.9.1 (2016-08-01)
Changed copyright and other info in plugin header.
4.9 (2016-06-14)
Fixed bug: Potential security vulnerability related to triggering feed update.
Fixed bug: Error output on Feed Sources list is trimmed and cannot break the page layout.
Related topics : rss feed open source / open source rss feed aggregator / open source php rss feed aggregator / open source feed aggregator / php script for displaying rss feeds in html
WP RSS Aggregator — WordPress Plugins
Added integration with Diagnostics plugin, and tests.
Logs are now created in wp-content/log/wprss, and are named more descriptively.
4.9.1 (2016-08-01)
Changed copyright and other info in plugin header.
4.9 (2016-06-14)
Fixed bug: Potential security vulnerability related to triggering feed update.
Fixed bug: Error output on Feed Sources list is trimmed and cannot break the page layout.
Related topics : rss feed open source / open source rss feed aggregator / open source php rss feed aggregator / open source feed aggregator / php script for displaying rss feeds in html
2 Resources