diamantvink - diamond fire tail finch - stagonopleura guttat

The Diamond Firetail is a small bird sometimes described as one of the most stunningly coloured birds of the finch family. They fly low and flocks travel in long lines. This species may also be called the Diamond Finch or Java Sparrow. Diamond Firetails are found in Australia in open grassy woodland, heath and farmland or grassland with scattered trees. Diamond Firetails feed on the ground and generally eat ripe or partially ripe seeds and can be seen hopping around on the ground. They...

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Related topics : black and white finch with long tail / long tailed finch bird / small black and white birds with long tails

Budgerigar (Melopsittacus Undulatus)

Budgerigar (Melopsittacus Undulatus)

Scientific Name: Melopsittacus Undulatus

Higher classification: Melopsittacus

Kingdom: Animalia,

Phylum: Chordata,

Class: Aves,

Order: Psittaciformes,

Family: Psittacidae,

Genus: Melopsittacus,

Type: Bird,

Diet: Omnivore,

Size: 15cm - 20cm (5.9in - 7.8in),

Wing Span: 25cm - 35cm (10in - 14in),

Weight: 30g - 40g (1oz - 1.4oz),

Life Span: 3 - 6 years,

Lifestyle: Flock,

Colour: Black, White, Grey, Green, Blue, Yellow

Conservation Status: Least...

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