Lizard Olympics: Natural Selection — HHMI BioInteractive Video

The game of natural selection is afoot in anole lizards. Can long-legged anoles outrun short-legged twig anoles? Differences in physical traits such as leg length, tail length, and toe pad size make different anole species better suited to living in different parts of their habitat.

For more lesson plan resources on anole lizards and speciation, see our playlist at

To download the whole video, “The Origin of Species:...

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From: biointeractive

Related topics : long tailed lizard natural habitat

Shingleback ( blue-tongued lizard) in its natural habitat

This shingleback (Tiliqua rugosa) is a stumpy - tailed skink that we spotted on Granite Island, Victor Harbor. It crawled and stayed still for long periods of time.

The head is snake-like and the stumpy tail could be mistaken for the head. The scales are large and give the creature an armoured appearance.

We have spotted one outside a house near the Victor Central Shopping Centre. On another occasion we spotted a man, who was with his date, pick one up and lovingly putting it back into...

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From: babywhale T

Related topics : long tailed lizard natural habitat